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Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Mr. Microwave

This is not a secret in our house... but I HATE cleaning the microwave. My secret.... having my mom clean it every Wednesday when she comes over. It works great! However, for those of you who are not fortunate to have an every Wednesday mom to clean your microwave, I found this juicy little bit from Emily at Imperfect.

All you have to do is:

Microwave a bowl of water with a squeeze of lemon, wipe down inside of steamed up 'wave.

I know I know... you thought it would be rocket science right!! Nope. Well, now none of you have an excuse to have a dirty 'wave!


1 comment:

Annie said...

Ash, I decided not to do a second least for now. But you are making me second guess that decision. I love what you have made!