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Thursday, June 18, 2009

Here Comes the Bride.......

Weddings...... where two people whole heartedly commit to love each other. Isn't that awesome! Congratulations to my dear sister-in-law!!! I love you and think you are beautiful, inspiring, refreshing, lovely, sweet, strong, brave, courageous, silly, fun, kick-ass, wonderful, awesome.... (how many other adjectives can i think of.....)

Thank you for allowing me to be a part of this beautiful event. Weddings make me happy. They help me reflect on the vows that I made with My sweet loving husband (Doesn't he look SMOKIN HOT in this picture, I'm currently trying to remember how to breathe!) They are a wonderful reminder that a fresh start is always a good thing. That life is about living and loving those around you. That no matter what happens in life, you will always have your family.

My sweet sister-in-law, I am excited for you and the wonderful days that will come for you. I see them just on the horizon.

Now Mr. Clayton, I am excited for the fun family moments that you will have to share with our family. Believe me, they are fun and silly and lovely. It has been a pleasure seeing your wife smile about you...

Love you guys!!!

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